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Cemcat co-organises the RIMS Conference about multiple sclerosis rehabilitation (4-6 May Barcelona)

Innovative rehabilitation initiatives and new ways of evaluating rehabilitation therapies will be the focus of the 22nd Annual RIMS Conference, organised in partnership with the Multiple Sclerosis Centre of Catalonia (Cemcat). The conference takes place in May 4-6 in Barcelona. Topics as employment and social participation of people with multiple sclerosis will be also discussed.
The RIMS Conference is the main European event for Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis.
Dr. Xavier Montalban, director of Cemcat, will pronounce the opening lecture “MS: a 30 Years’ Tale”. Dr. Jaume Sastre-Garriga, deputy director of Cemcat, is co-chair of the Scientific Committee of RIMS 2017.
The meeting brings together neurologists, nurses, psychologists, neuropsychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, social workers... Professionals of Cemcat will have a very active role in the Congress by offering teaching courses and presenting communications. Other centres in Catalonia (Guttmann Institute) will also participate.
The European network RIMS represents and brings together health care professionals, researchers and patient organizations with the aim to manage the generation of new evidence on rehabilitation in MS. Another aim is to improve the relevance of rehabilitation in MS. Several professionals at Cemcat are part of the Special Interest Groups (SIG) about Psychology and Neuropsychology, Mobility or Communication, among others.
22nd Annual RIMS Conference: “Shaping the Future of Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation” #RIMS17BCN